We (Member Cards, "Us", "Our") are very much aware of your care when it comes to your personal information which we take very seriously. Read the rest to know more about our Privacy Policy. We only ask for what we absolutely need. Everything requested is necessary for us and you to ensure the functionality of Member Cards bot and Member Cards Website. All information is collected legally without any malicious intent. Information we request is Discord Data since Member Cards is a Discord bot that relies mainly on Discord Data.

Personal Data:

We do not and will never share or sell your personal information for any absolute purpose unless we are required by law to do so (sharing). All information stored is temporary -unless it is public information- and will never be shared by any means. The duration depends on how long you use our service most of the time.

External Websites:

Member Cards Bot Website high likely has external websites you can access (Botlists, Youtube, Google, Imgur, Discord). These websites are not operated by us and we have absolutely no control over them. We also do not accept any responsibility for what happens outside of Member Cards Bot website.

Requested Data and Permissions:

To login, Member Cards Bot Website uses Discord where it requires to know your Discord Accounts ID, Username, Avatar, servers/guilds you are in to ensure proper service. Member Cards may also request the permission to join Discord servers for you, we do that in case you need to join our Member Cards Bot Discord Support Server.


All information we store is Discord data that we are allowed to use. We will not ask for external information like your real name, address or anything sensitive. We do not and will never save information you did not provide.

Opting Out:

If you want to opt not to disclose any information to us, we automatically do so the moment you stop using our service. You will not be able to use Member Cards Bot afterwards too.
If you have some concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please reach out using our email: mail@membercards.xyz, and we will make sure to answer you as soon as possible.
We may add, remove or edit our Terms and policies anytime. You agree to checking our Terms of Service and Privacy Policies regularly.